
Install Posh Git on Windows 10 (x64)

Posh Git is a really helpful open-source project that includes a number of scripts offering Git and Powershell integration. When installed it allows tab auto completion for common Git operations along with showing the current branch and state of files.

Automate Varnish cache purges

This guide shows you how to use the varnishadm command in your system crontab to automate Varnish cache purging. Access your server as root or switch to the root user. If you installed Varnish from a repo you will have all the Varnish utility commands installed as well.

WordPress .htaccess rules for Nginx

This guide shows you the equivalent .htaccess rewrite rules to get WordPress working properly with permalinks on the Nginx web server. There is no direct equivalent for .htaccess in Nginx, so you cannot copy and past the .

SSH Timeout Problems on a Virgin Media Super Hub version 2

A commonly reported problem with the Virgin Media SuperHub is that an SSH connection will timeout. This is apparently due to the device having a very small amount of RAM leading to connection details being dropped.

An announcement!

A couple of months ago I got back to thinking about where I’d like to be, not only career wise, but personally in a few years time. It’s incredible how my vision for the future has matured and developed as life has changed!

PaaS will change the face of technology in business

Platform as a Service is the least defined and smallest (annual spend) layer in the “* as a Service stack” despite being a growing market, but this is changing. Venturebeat explain the cloud layers well if you need a refresher – http://venturebeat.

Moving to cloud IaaS and PaaS - is it a silver bullet?

I was recently at a networking event where I got chatting to a founder of an Internet of Things consultancy company. We had very similar views about the confusion around cloud services – at the moment IaaS is the default choice (it doesn’t even have to be explained), but is this the best option?

Outside Number 10

Comments on Cloud Pro - Databases in the cloud

I made some comments about the challenges that arise when hosting databases, in particular production databases, in a cloud environment. It was interesting to consider where the pain points would be with PaaS and IaaS, and the benefits and draw backs of each option.

Comments on Cloud Pro - Keeping IaaS costs in check

Some points I made about the importance of good code hosted on the cloud were published on Cloud Pro. One area that Joe Gardiner, head of product at cloud hosting firm Catn, believes is overlooked is the quality of code used in cloud applications